

Parliament Buildings in the UNESCO Historic Bridgetown Site

That’s right, Bridgetown and its Garrison have recently been granted the title of a UNESCO world heritage site. We are so proud of our island Barbados and all of the individuals who contributed to make this well deserved designation happen. We thought we would...

Beach View Hotel Barbados

Last week Melanie and myself were invited to spend a night at Beach View Hotel. Some hotels around the island are a little weary of this Loop Barbados Duo reviewing their...

Corn Pie Barbados

One of the most well known and favorited side dishes in Barbados is corn pie. You can find corn pie at just about any Barbadian family gathering or lunch. It is considered an easy, go to dish which everyone loves and no one can resist. The sweet and buttery...

We are so looking forward to tomorrow which marks the launch day of the ever so fabulous BrideLife Wedding Magazine. The fabulous thing about the magazine is that it will be the first online wedding magazine for Barbados, showcasing all the wonderful wedding...

Barbados Museum

Barbados October Event 1. Love Comes First Fundraising Dance- This event is being held on the 6th October at Harbour Lights starting at 8:00 PM. Dress in your brightest neon colours and get ready for performances by Philip 7, Jan and the backup...

Chichina or Snake Gourd

Being not only a local to Barbados but also a 'foodie' there are not many local foods that I have not tried or at least seen. So, when I came across this oddly shaped vegetable in...

Dover Beach Barbados

Now we all know Barbados has beautiful beaches  and here is yet another one. Located on the South Coast of Barbados - St. Lawrence Gap to be exact - is Dover Beach where there is literally never...

Barbados Beaches

We stumbled across this blog called My Barbados Blog which Linda Thompkins (Caribbean travel consultant and blogger) started and we were intrigued to find out more about her and why she was so...
