

The never ending blues of Barbados

So what did we get up to the last couple of weeks? Here is a little sneak peak.

Lunch at The Tides Restaurant Barbados

Adventures at...

Christmas Candles Barbados

The Christmas season is here in Barbados and one of those things which pops up everywhere you look, are what we call Christmas Candles, the scientific name for this shrub is Senna alata. Now it is not exactly what it sounds like- The Christmas Candle...

Barbados December Events 2012

Here we are, into the Christmas season already. Take a look below into the different events happening in Barbados this month!

Barbados December Event 1. Run Barbados 2012- This event is sponsored by the Barbados Tourism Authority and will...

Happy Independence Barbados!

Today marks the 46th Anniversary of Barbados' Independence! As we have been saying in all of our Independence features- Upwards and Onwards we Shall Go! Beautiful Bridgetown as it...

The Tides Restaurant Barbados

Since they recently opened for lunch, last week Melanie and myself decided to pay The Tides Restaurant a friendly visit. In the mood for good food with a view we thought this would be good...

Barbados Coat of Arms

Today we wanted to feature Barbados' Coat of Arms as it is a National Independence emblem which is forgotten amongst many. The Coat of Arms consist of many different elements which are all important and relevant towards our little rock, Barbados. The Coat of...

Welcome to Sizzle Street Barbados

As soon as we heard of the Barbados Food Rum and Wine Festival Sizzle Street event at Queen's Park we jumped at the opportunity. What a perfect way to bring all of Barbados' favorite local foods and snacks together in one place for everyone to try and better...

Dining table at Fisherpond Great House Barbados

One of the Food, Rum and Wine Events in which Melanie and myself had the pleasure of attending this year was "Lunch at the Great House", or Fisherpond Great House. We have ...
