

Bajan Fish Cakes, Barbados

When first time travelers visit Barbados and look at various menus throughout the island an option they will almost always see are "Fish Cakes". However, in most cases their minds are instantly transported to a circular, flat...

Birthday Cakes Barbados by Annalise Benskin Cake Designer

Annalise Benskin is a true artist and better yet her work is edible. Born in Lancashire, England, Annalise cannot remember a time she was not in the kitchen baking. But all the practice in...

Maxwell Beach Barbados

Just dream, dream of lying on this beach a pina colada in hand, salt flakes on your skin and the sun lathering you with its rays. The smell of coconut surrounds you and the soothing sound of gentle waves settle your nervous as you relax. Okay, snap...

Coconut Bread Barbados

A few days ago I was craving something {anything} coconut; so I walked over to my neighbor and got myself a freshly picked one {yes from their tree}. After contemplating what to cook/bake I settled on good ol' traditional Bajan coconut bread or more...

Crop Over Festival- Kadooment Day Barbados

Hope everyone has a fun and of course safe Kadooment Day! Hope to see you on the road! 

Crop Over Festival Barbados

At last it has come, one of the most anticipated weekends of the year in Barbados- The Cropover Weekend! People come from near and far to enjoy and celebrate our Crop Over festival. This...

Pudding and Souse in Barbados

Pudding and Souse is just one of the things we Bajans like to do on Saturdays, it ingrained in our culture like the music we listen to or the way we speak. So now, let us take you over the basics, a typical plate of souse consists of pork (...

Beach Views {sand, sun, sea} of Barbados

Here is a little inside scoop into our Bajan island life! We have been enjoying some gloriously sunny days here in Barbados with our turquoise waters and bright blue skies!

