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Holding On To Heritage: A St. John Treasure
16th May, 2012
Neatly nestled upon a hill overlooking the vast East coast is the stunning church known as St. John's Parish Church. Standing high amongst the old mahogany trees, this structure was built in 1836 and boasts of classical gothic architecture. As you enter the church, you are completely humbled by its sheer grandeur. There are beautiful dark wooden pews, high ceilings, and an expansive bronze organ. Not only do you want to see the inside of this church; make your way around the back and through the ancient cemetery to see one of the best views that the East coast can offer. As you walk along, passing the headstones, take note as among many others, St. John's Parish church holds the tomb of Ferdinando Paleologus, a descendant of Emperor Constantine the Great and also recently (November 3rd, 2010) the late Prime Minister of Barbados, Honorable David Thompson.
Make a trip down to this famous and unforgettable sight and don't forget to bring your camera- it's a feast for the eyes!
Melanie and Kimberly*
its interesting
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