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Barefoot on the Beach: Brandon's Beach, Barbados | Loop Barbados

Barefoot on the Beach: Brandon's Beach, Barbados

23rd November, 2011
Brandons Beach Barbados

Brandon's beach  also known as Drill Hall beach, is situated on the South coast of Barbados. It is a very popular beach amongst the locals for both surfing and beach picnics. This beach is a top ranking surf break because of the shallow reef which creates epic waves! A few rock pools are dispersed along the shoreline in which you can relax and soak up the sun; or you can lounge under the casuarina trees while the salty breeze refreshes you and take in all that surrounds you - pure bliss.

Brandon's Beach Barbados

Brandon's Beach Barbados


So whether you decide to stroll along the beach and take in the magnificent sunsets, picnic with friends and family, or take a surf, Brandons beach is a definite option when you visit Barbados!

Melanie & Kimberly*





IWillTravelTheWorld's picture

Gorgeous .Just gorgeous.

Philip Willcocks's picture
Philip Willcocks

Hello, unless I am very much mistaken I believe Brandon's beach is just the other side of Bridgetown further around the coast. Drill Hole Beach which is pictured, is a completely different beach. If I am wrong, I apologise but I think I am correct.

melanie's picture

Hi Philip,

You are correct in saying that this beach is called Drill Hall beach but it is also known as Brandons by surfers who frequently surf here. There is a Brandons which is the beach on Spring Garden Highway also!

We would love to hear what you think.


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