
What's Happening: Barbados Events August 2012

2nd August, 2012
Barbados August Events 2012

Barbados August Event 1. Crop Over Festival-Pick-o-de-Crop Finals- This calypso competition will be held on the 3rd August at the National Stadium where the 2012 Calypso Monarch will be chosen out of the finalists. With one of a kind performances be sure not to miss out.

Barbados August Event 2. Crop Over Festival- Foreday Morning Jam- This event will be held in the wee hours of the morning on 4th August. The foreday morning jam is organized by the National Cultural Foundation and will consist of many revellers jamming behind music trucks going down the streets of Bridgetown. Not only is there alot of music but this event is also known as a "Mud Mas" where paint and mud are slathered on revellers throughout the event. There are many bands which you can register with such as Mix Nutz, Island Fusion, Harbour Lights and much more.

Barbados August Event 3. Crop Over Festival-Bridgetown Market-This event, held on 5th August starts from 9:00AM and is a large street festival with many vendors lining the side of Spring Garden highway. There will be food and craft stalls along with great calypso music being played the entire day. A fabulous social setting and lime. 

Barbados August Event 4. Crop Over Festival-Cohobblopot- This show is on the 5th August and starts from 8:00PM at the National Stadium. This event  displays the many popular calypsonians from Barbados along with members of Kadooment bands showing off their stunning costumes. It is a well received event with a large audience.

Barbados August Event 5. Crop Over Festival-Grand Kadooment Day-This event is on the 6th August and is the biggest Crop over event on the island with over 20 bands and over 15,000 costumed participants. You can either be a part of the Kadooment bands or watch from the side of the road while enjoying a drink or two! Kadooment ends at Spring Garden where there are many stalls and people mingling- the party continues there!


Melanie & Kimberly*

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