
Living Wild: The Mongoose

17th May, 2016
Living Wild: The Mongoose | Barbados animals

Barbados is home to a multitude of animals and exotic tropical wildlife. The mongoose is a popular little mammal that can be seen roaming around the countryside and was introduced to the island many years ago. It was done in an attempt to eradicate the rat population which was having a detrimental effect on the sugar cane industry, which was the backbone of the island’s economy at that time. The experiment however, did not go as planned and instead the island’s grass snake population that was once very prevalent, no longer exists. Mongooses are great little hunters and their furry long slender bodies, make them ideal for scurrying along their tropical terrain. These little critters are extremely fast; you have to be quick in ordered to catch a glimpse of one as they scampers across the street or open fields.

Melanie & Kimberly*

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