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Uncovering a Local Secret - "Cuz" We Think You Should Know
30th March, 2012
Down on the South coast of Barbados, next to the Hilton car park is a small, crazy coloured hut and a gentleman by the name of Cuz who has set up shop and sells some of the best 'cutters' (salt bread bun sandwiches) on the island! Cuz Fish stand first opened about 52 years by Cuz Junior's father and has since been selling pan fried fish, egg and cheese cutters (if you want all three in one bread that's fine too). He is adored by locals and travelers alike for selling famously tender and tasty cutters at famously fresh prices. When we asked him the trick behind it all...he laughed out loud and said "now why would I tell you that". All we can guess is- its all the love he puts in his cooking and the fact that he serves the freshest of fresh fish which comes straight out our beautiful Bajan seas. Rumour has it that the name Cuz developed because the original Cuz would address every and anyone who came to his fish stand as "Cuz" - "Cuz how ya doing" "Cuz wha i could get fuh you today?". It was only a matter of time the reversed happened he became the one and only Cuz.
So next time you are in the island or in the area don't forget to stop by and see for yourself how incredibly scrumptious these cutters really are.
Melanie and Kimberly*
I like your website and the photos are great.
I have to say that your photo of Cuz is the first time I've ever seen him smile - and I've been buying cutters from him for years.
His cutters are good but I always get the feeling that the customers are a nuisance.
Keep up the great work
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