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Upwards and Onwards: Parliament Building
11th November, 2013
In celebration of the month of Independence, we have decided to feature some aspects of Barbados that represent our freedom and history. Today we will be giving you all a little insight into our Parliament buildings.
If you have ever been to Bridgetown you most certainly would have noticed the long standing, confident Barbados Parliament buildings. These buildings hold the history of the Barbadian system of Government which is the third oldest political system within the Commonwealth. Completed in 1874, these beautiful buildings are a masterpiece of Gothic Architecture, built of local coral limestone, strategically placed in the heart of our Capital, Bridgetown. In addition to containing the House of Assembly and the Senate; it is said that the original meeting place of the Legislature in 1639 is believed to have taken place upstairs a tavern adjacent to the site of the Central Bank of Barbados.
These buildings were erected to provide adequate accommodation for the Houses of Parliament, to centralize the principal public offices and to meet the need for the security and safety of Barbados' Public Records.
Now you know what these historical buildings are when you explore our capital of Bridgetown. Remember, Historic Bridgetown and its Garrison has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site! Come visit while you are here!
Melanie & Kimberly*
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