
Explore: Round Rock

13th November, 2013
Round Rock, Cattlewash Barbados

If you have visited the ragged East coast beach of Cattlewash, you may have noticed a large circular boulder sitting in the middle of the expansive stretch of sand. As named by the locals this iconic and very popular structure is called Round Rock. This boulder looks as though it has been fallen from the sky, however, it is in fact a massive block of limestone which is a relic of an eroded landslide deposit. Not only does this make for interesting landscape photograph opportunities and memorable events such as proposals but round rock also absorbs some of the wave energy reducing the rate of cliff erosion and recession. 

Round Rock Cattlewash Barbados

A local, a couple years back built a bench on the top of round rock, so often people (adventurous people mind you) will climb the boulder to simply enjoy the panoramic view of the smashing Atlantic ocean and dramatic coastline.  


Melanie & Kimberly*


Daniel.'s picture

Whoa ! This rock is amazing.
I would love to climb it and see the horizon !!


Kimz's picture

O wow! I would certainly like to experience the fun of trekking and let my children enjoy their vacation in a unique way.
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