
Holding On To Heritage:The Chattel House

15th November, 2011
A Chattel House in Barbados

The Chattel house is the Barbadian word meaning 'moveable property'. The type of home came into play when plantation workers decided they wanted to live on the estate and simultaneously own or rent their own house. It was particularly logical to develop the house in a way that it could be transported to another location in case a tenant-landlord dispute erupted.


Chattel houses are built of wood and set on blocks of coral, without a foundation so that they can easily move. Many have steep corrugated iron roofs which help protect the houses from heavy rain and high winds that may accompany a hurricane. in addition, they often show remarkable designs of ornate framework, carved wooden banisters and miniature jalousie windows.
A Chattel House in Barbados

It has been customary for persons in Barbados to build additions onto their chattel house occasionally. As such, the house may look as though different sections are at slightly different heights or in a different pattern due to each part being constructed at different stages. 

A Chattel House in Barbados

Today, majority of the working class locals within Barbados live in these beautifully ornate chattel houses that are still designed with no foundation so they can be fully mobile.  
Melanie & Kimberly*


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