
Festival Fever: Foreday Morning

29th July, 2013
Jouvert Morning Barbados

One of the most looked forward to and fun events of the Crop Over Season is Jouvert (pronounced “joo-vay,”) which is also known as Foreday Morning. Foreday Morning is held in the early hours of the Saturday morning before Kadooment Day, which is the last weekend of the Crop Over Season. Foreday Morning is a night-time street party, with revelers organized in different bands partying from Bridgetown to Spring Garden. The difference between Foreday Morning and Kadooment Day is that it is a bit cooler in the night-time air, rather than in the heat of the blazing sun, and the revelers are covered in mud and paint, instead of elaborate costumes! If you’re worried about the safety of attending this event, be rest assured that it is very safe! The music trucks are well-lit, and each band provides their own private security, as well as the Royal Barbados Police Force being present from start to finish, ensuring that the event is safely enjoyed by all those attending. Foreday Morning, or Jouvert, is anticipated by everyone throughout the year, and is definitely one of the most exciting Crop Over Season events!

Melanie & Kimberly*

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