
What's Happening: The Season is Here!

22nd June, 2012
Crop Over Festival Barbados

The time has come again for one of the most anticipated festivals in Barbados- The Crop Over Festival. The sugar cane has been harvested and it now marks the beginning of Crop Over. Bursting with colour, culture, heritage, innovation and exuberance, Crop Over celebrates the ending of the sugar cane harvest in which the people of Barbados have been commemorating since the 1780's.  This vibrant, loud and energizing festival features Barbados' local calypsonians, cultural performances and of course a sea of beautifully coloured costumes on the last day of the season. This last day is known as Grand Kadooment Day and is celebrated with bands of people (both locals and travelers) marching, drinking, dancing and chipping down the road to their final destination- Spring Garden. It is a sight to behold with the large parade of revelers dressed in costumes or even painted from head to toe. We would highly suggest that you experience this festival whether you watch it from the side lines or dive right in and be part of a Kadooment band! 

Crop Over Festival Barbados

Crop Over Festival Barbados

Have you ever experienced Crop Over? Let us know what you think!

Melanie & Kimberly*

We would love to hear what you think.


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