
What's Happening: The Green Summit 2015

7th September, 2015
The Green Summit Barbados

We were invited to attend the first Green Summit 2015 hosted and powered by Slow Food Barbados. It was held at Foursquare Rum Distillery and Heritage Park last week. The focus was aimed at regenerating together, with many green businesses taking part in this summit. There was discussion on sustainability within Barbados and the encouragement of partnerships and networks in order to create a more green economy. Dr. Adrian Cashman discussed the linkages between water, food and energy; there was discussion of the Youth Agri-preneurship program and how it is encouraging young people to be more involved in agriculture; along with plans to create a Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration and Training Centre. This SADTC will focus on agri-tourism and will have a interactive based centre located on at Graeme Hall on the South coast of the island.

The Panel at The Green Summit

There was much talk about the slow food movement in Barbados, along with renewable energy, slow fish movement, environmental partnership projects and different funding options for these projects. It was great to see all these businesses coming together to share their stories and create partnerships and networks which will be aimed at a more sustainable future for Barbados. 

The Geen Summit Barbados

The Green Summit Barbados

There was much passion and interest within the summit, and we look forward to seeing a more sustainable Barbados and of course participating in this movement.

Melanie & Kimberly*

We would love to hear what you think.


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