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What's Happening: Bajan Fiesta {Food, Wine and Rum Festival}
2nd December, 2014
If you are looking for a big family focused buffet lunch, well the Sunday Bajan Fiesta is the perfect Food Wine and Rum event for you. With tables scattered throughout the large tent, many people sat and enjoyed their Sunday lunch, which is a tradition in Barbados.
At this event, Barbadian chefs prepare an array of local culinary delights, there is more any enough food for everyone and choices beyond choices. The menu consisted of salads, soups, seafood, meat, starches and of course dessert.
There were a few dishes which stood out to us; the cassava waffles were great with gravy, the braised certified angus shortrib, pulled pork and crackling. For dessert there were cassava macaroons, truffles, fried saltfish cheesecake pops (very different) and so much more!
We couldn't even try every dish because there were so many options! Along with the delectable food, there was entertainment for the kids and also a cocktail throwdown!
Melanie & Kimberly*
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