
Holding onto Heritage: Errol Barrow Day

21st January, 2014
Happy Errol Barrow Day from Loop Barbados

Today is the day we commemorate the former Prime Minister of Barbados, the man who lead his country to independence from the United Kingdom, Mr. Errol Barrow. The 21st January was chosen to celebrate Errol Barrow because today is his birthday! In 1989, two years after Errol Barrow suddenly died, his birthday was announced a public holiday and on that same date his face was printed on all 50 dollar notes and the middle section of the Airport-West Coast highway was renamed after him. Furthermore, in 1998 Errol Barrow was declared one of Barbados' original national heroes. So here is to Errol Barrow, the man who brought our country to Independence

The photo is a statue of Errol Barrow himself and was captured by the talented Barbadian photographer Sofie Warren!

Melanie & Kimberly*

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