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Explore: Barbados Underwater - Pamir Wreck
27th July, 2015
Barbados Divers Association along with Reefers and Wreckers Dive shop invited us to dive deep in the water Saturday 18th July in support of PADI women's dive day! It was a first time dive and it could not have ben more thrilling. I will admit I was a bit nervous in the beginning, having to dive 40 FT and all. However, it could not have been more simple and beyond stunning.
We started the day off by watching a PADI instructive video and then headed down to Six Men's Bay on the West coast to test out these same guidelines in shallow waters. Scott, our instructor explained about all the equipment, suited us up and we headed into about 10FT waters. We decreased the buoyancy of our jackets and sunk to the sand bed where we performed 3 drills to prepare us for the deeper waters. Once those were completed successfully we were picked up by Archie in the Reefers and Wreckers Dive Boat and headed to Heywood's Beach. We descended into 25FT of water to the sandy bottom on a line (equalizing the entire way). We headed West until we comfortably reached our maximum depth of 40FT. At that point we altered our direction and headed North where we encountered the bow of the Pamir Wreck. From there we elevated to the top of the deck at 25FT and spent a few minutes exploring her cargo bay before descending back again to take in the frontal view. Again we changed direction, this time heading South Easterly back to the boat and making out way to the surface.
After the awesome dive, Archie then drove us back to Port St. Charles where we unloaded all the gear and headed off! Usually, after every dive, the Barbados Divers Association head back to Reefers and Wreckers for their famous dive lime! With the beautiful Speightstown jetty as their backdrop, drinks and snacks are served and a wonderful time is had by all the diverse dive friends!
A big thanks to the Barbados Divers Associations (Scott and Henri) and Reefers and Wreckers Dive Shop (Philip and Archie) for making this all possible! We will definitly be exploring Barbados Underwater again in the very near future - stay tuned!
Melanie & Kimberly*
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