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Barbados' Best: Public Farmers Market
28th December, 2012
So our pick for Barbados' Best Public Farmers Market would have to be with no doubt Cheapside Market in Bridgetown (next to the General Post Office on Cheapside Road). Cheapside Market is an open aired market lined with Barbadian and Caribbean locals who set up their stalls for business on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays with the latter being the most busy and popular day to visit the market. We would say that Cheapside market is an authentic Bajan experience, from old ladies cutting open coconuts with machetes to one of a kind vegetables and ground provisions that you may only find available there. A few reasons why Cheapside is Barbados Best market is because of the variety in which it offers, not only does the market sell fresh vegetables, fruits and ground provisions but it also has a meat/ butchers section where you can choose your lamb, beef, chicken and much more. There are also a few vendors which sell different spices from around the Caribbean making the market even more interesting than it already is. Cheapside market also has very good price points compared to supermarkets and other small markets which makes it a plus to shop at! The vendors at the market are usually a pleasure to talk to and are very helpful if you need some advice or information on their produce. Cheapside market really offers such a unique and personal fresh market experience! We definitely would recommend it and would love to hear what you think about the market. If you haven't been, then make a visit and let us know your thoughts!
Melanie & Kimberly*
We would love to hear what you think.