
There are two main hospitals on the island being the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) and Bayview Hospital.

The Queen Elizabeth hospital is state owned and this institution was opened on the 14th November 1964. QEH is an accredited teaching hospital affiliated with the University of the West Indies Cave Hill campus. It has approximately 600 beds and is the country’s primary acute medical care facility. Contact QEH at (246) 436-6450

Bayview Hospital is privately owned and has been in operation from 1989. It offers 7 private rooms and 4 semi private rooms. Bayview is located on the outskirts of Bridgetown and is in close proximity to leading hotels and other facilities on the south coast of the island. Contact Bayview Hospital at (246) 436-5446

In addition to the various hospitals, there are two medical institutions, which facilitate emergencies and other minimal illnesses such as the flu.

  • FMH, which is located at 3rd Avenue Belleville, St. Michael. (246) 228-6120
  • Sandy Crest Medical Centre, which is located at Sunset Crest, St. James. (246) 419-4911

There are also many polyclinics and private medical practices on the island if there is a need for medical assistance.

Please note unless your injury or illness is severe or life threatening, it is best to go to FMH or Sandy Crest as your consultation waiting time will be much shorter.

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