

Ginger Bay Beach

Well here we are with yet another segment - On Tour with Loop Barbados. When you visit Barbados, one of those absolutely must do activities is to take an island tour. The first question is which coast of the island you will explore; as even though Barbados is...

Can you believe it's April Already - Foul Bay Barbados

And a happy April to everyone. Here is a shot we took at Harry Smith Beach. Absolutely flawless, isn't it?

Beachy Head Beach Barbados

What ever you may be getting up to this weekend (let us all hope it is relaxing on a beach in Barbados like the one above) we hope all of you have a wonderful one. Happy Easter from the Loop Barbados team. 

Sugar Cane Barbados

And the time is here again when the cane fields are being cleared, the tractors are chuttering down the cart roads and highways with tons of raw sugar cane ready to be processed, and...

Cheapside Market Barbados

We came across this article from STA Travel on how to become a more responsible traveler and feeling so inspired we decided to put together...

A Little Friday Inspiration from Loop Barbados

The weekend is upon us and what better time to go after that adventure we seek. Maybe explore an unknown territory, maybe Barbados?

Arlington House, Speightstown Barbados

Barbados is home to many bits and bobs; cutters, cou-cou, our pop star icon, Rihanna and the list goes on and on. Today I am here to share another little aspect (this time architectural) that is thought by many, to also be conceived here in Barbados. I have...
