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What's Happening: The Multi National Fair
9th October, 2014
The Multi National Fair is making its mark again after 10 years; you may remember it as being previously held at the Governor General's home. This year, Foursquare Rum Factory and Heritage Park will be the venue for this multi faceted fair, on the 15th November from 12 PM - 5:30 PM. There will be a little something for everyone, from international food to arts, to agriculture and health and your little ones wont be left out either, with tons of activities for the children. It will be a fun, family packed day, and if you don't believe us well here are some words from Lady Sharen Carmichael, Co-Founder Be the Change Barbados:
"Everyone loves a Fair and our Fair will be like none other bringing the best food, agriculture, green business, sports, health, arts, entertainment, spirituality, biodegradable, celebrities and much, much, more. The Fair will be full of surprises bringing all walks of life together as one big happy family working for a sustainable Barbados! Join us and Be the Change. It won’t be the same without you!"
- Lady Sharen Carmichael, Co-Founder Be the Change Barbados
Not only are you coming out to have fun at the Multi National Fair but also, you will be doing your part in supporting local charities. The ticket revenue will be in aid of those who cannot help themselves; geared towards the HIV/AIDS Food Bank and Meals on Wheels who have taken a considerable hit due to these challenging economic times. Along with the proceeds which the fair will be donating to them, feel free to donate any more you can afford such as food or money as they need any help they can get. The Multi National Fair will also be supporting music in schools to encourage creativity, discipline, enjoyment, education and self esteem of children.
So come out and support the Multi National Fair, its a win-win for everyone!
Melanie & Kimberly*
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