
Barbados 101 : 7 Warning Signs of Needing a Vacation

5th June, 2012
You Need a Vacation!

Yes it's true, there are actually signs of needing to vacate yourself (possibly to Barbados :) from your day to day activities. Signs which subtly scream "you need to get out of here" for at least a week and relax. Signs that are prompting you to participate in activities which don't involve work but rather concentrate on your family, friends, significant other or even yourself. So what are these signs? Its about time you find out.

* You have no focus at the office - while trying to work on specific projects your mind is switching in and out of different 'things' you have to do.
* When you have time off you are thinking about work
* Your temper becomes short and you are irritated with everyone around you, even your innocent loved ones
* Most of your social conversations are work related
* You laugh and reply "who has time for a vacation" when people talk about their travels
* Your home chores start to feel relaxing and you look forward to doing the laundry or cleaning the house
* You wake up on Sunday morning without your alarm clock and start dressing for work

 It is important to listen to these signs as in the end taking the time to relax and refresh your mind and body may increase your efficiency in the office and enhance your relationships with family and friends! So now you have a valid reason to come to Barbados and live life how it is meant to be lived!

Melanie and Kimberly*

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