

Loop Barbados's Monday Morning Update

Happy Monday everyone! How was your weekend? We at Loop Barbados had a great weekend and have a very busy week ahead. We visited the...

St. Joseph Parish Church Barbados

Sitting atop Horse Hill, St. Joseph is a small and beautiful church adorned with stained glass windows and an unbelievable view of the East coast of the island. This...

Cemetery, Barbados

Happy Halloween to all! To celebrate Halloween we thought we would give you an inside scoop of the Top 5 Haunted Places in Barbados. It is believed that Barbados has many hauntings because of its long...

View from Cherry Tree Hill, Barbados.

Located 850 feet above sea level, Cherry Tree Hill is one of the most magical spots in Barbados. The view it offers...

St. Nicholas Abbey, St. Peter, Barbados- Mike Toy

St. Nicholas Abbey, located in St. Peter,  is one of the oldest homes in Barbados, surviving in almost its original state. Estimated to be built between 1650 and 1660, St. Nicholas Abbey was named after...

Travel to Barbados Green

When it comes to defining sustainable travel, it is a little bit like a family deciding where to vacation, everyone has their own idea and no one can agree. However one thing is certain, sustainable travel is one where the environment, economy and culture of...

South Point on the South Coast of Barbados

On Sunday,  ASP # 2, Sally Fitzgibbons arrived in Barbados to ride our waters and snap our waves for two whole weeks. The surfer, born in Australia has many reasons to join us here on the island - her...

Whole Flying Fish Caught Fresh

Historically, Barbados was known as the 'land of the flying fish...
